46th Reunion
The 46th Reunion took place on September 10, 2022 from 2:00PM - 9:00PM at Picnic Area 2 at Hoyt Park.
Notes On the Event - Gene Hanson
Normally we would not do anything for year 46 as it's such an odd year, but there were good reasons. The first was that we had a nice little event for the 45th at Hoyt Park in Picnic Area 2, and it was only moderately successful. COVID-19, however, was still still a big factor and many classmates wouldn't come, even for an all outdoor event. Second, the enthusiasm for how well it went was evident and 5 different classmates asked if we were doing another one next year. One of those went as far as to ask why don't we do these every year? Finally, Debbie realized that our classmates are all going to be turning 64 and reminded her of the Beatle's song, "When I'm Sixty-Four," so we had a wonderful tagline for the event.

There was very little planning for this informal reunion. Debbie thought that Tosa Fest weekend would be a good choice since there would be a number of classmates coming in for that. So Saturday, September 10th was selected. Then it was a simple matter to reserve picnic area 2 at Hoyt Park to be sure it would be available. Finally, from the year before I felt that starting at 4:00PM was too late so we went with 2:00PM.